Achieve Your Health and Fitness Goals in 3 Steps

Want to eat healthier and exercise more? Or maybe you wish to slim down and get fit? If so, it’s time to do something about it! Make yourself a pledge that you’ll stick to your plan and take better care of your health. Write down your goals, set deadlines, and come up with a schedule. It won’t be easy, but it’s worth the effort. Here are some tips to help you out:

Set Realistic Goals

Most people fail to achieve their health goals because they have unrealistic expectations. For example, losing 50 pounds in two months is possible, but unlikely to happen. The same goes for other health goals, such as giving up sugar completely or working out six days a week.

There is nothing wrong with wanting these things, but you have to stay real. Unrealistic expectations will only bring disappointment. Start with small steps and break larger goals into smaller goals that are specific and time-bound.

Focus on Repetition

Whether you want to clean up your diet or start a workout routine, consistency is the key to success. Focus on building a habit around each goal, such as exercising daily for 20 minutes or eating veggies at every meal.

Motivation gets you started, but habit keeps you going. If you’re not in the mood for working out, at least do a few stretches or bodyweight exercises. It takes less than five minutes to do 15 squats, 10 push-ups, and 20 sit-ups.

Reward Yourself

Don’t forget to reward yourself for achieving your goals. If you stick to your diet for one month, buy a new dress. Plan a night out, get a new pair of sneakers, or go to the beauty salon to reward yourself for losing weight. This simple trick will boost your motivation and increase your chances of success. Just make sure you don’t use food as a reward!

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